Resting, Blyth Gallery, Imperial College London, 2023

Untitled, Aluminium, steel wire scourer, 2023

Untitled (Studio Sketch), Book, aluminium tray, aluminium hammered form, post-it, test strip, 2023 

Untitled (Broken cast), Concrete, pigment, lilly, 2020-23 / Untitled, Bottletop, 2021.

Untitled, Pebble, Screw Eye 2019-23.


24 May – 15 June 2023

Cyrus Shroff

Rebecca K. Halliwell- Sutton

Isaac Willis

Resting presents the works of three artists connected through ideas of objecthood and materiality. The artworks – leaning, hanging and resting in the space – exhibit a self-awareness of their inherent existence as objects through their postures, placements and materials. This awareness generates in the work a sense of being alive, but alive like a tree breathing or an old oral myth. The exposure of their materials reminds us of objects outside of art contexts, recalling a history of materials and objects, yet in the same instance their materiality makes their transcendence beyond this apparent. 

Aware of this difference between objects in the world and objects as artworks, each artist navigates materiality and what lies beyond it. For Cyrus Shroff this happens through the display of fragments, detritus, treasure - framed offerings or allusions to an imaginary whole. Rebecca Halliwell-Sutton’s metal forms and sculptural collages underpin the poetry between the material and meaning, and the tension expressed in the object. For Isaac Willis, exposing the objecthood of painting also exposes the materiality of paint, adding to a sense of narrative complexity in the work